
At Brookwood Primary School we want to support you and work in partnership with you in getting your children into school and in on time each day. We do understand that there are lots of unavoidable factors that can make it hard to get your child to school on time.

It is really important that children attend school regularly; even just a few days missed will have an impact on your child's learning.

However, if your child is ill then they should stay at home. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea you should keep them off school for 48 hours after the last bout.

If your child is not able to attend school, it is really important that you telephone the school's Absence Line before 9am on 01483473315 Option 1. You can leave a message on the Absence answerphone 24 hours a day, even if the school is closed. Please give the following details:

  • child's name
  • class
  • why they are absent from school (including details of any illness)
  • whether they have a school dinner or packed lunch

Should your child have medical or other appointments, we require evidence in the way of a letter or appointment card in order for us to authorise the absence.

Should your child have excessive illness, we will also require documentation from your GP/Specialist in order to authorise their absence.

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